F.O.F.C.C., Inc. Mission Statement
It is the VISION of this church, To strengthen the FAITH of believers, To build strong FAMILY relationships, To encourage FELLOWSHIP, Within the Christian Community, To promote Godly principles related to Kingdom FINANCE, and To pursue God’s intended Plan for our FUTURE!
F.O.F.C.C., Inc. Membership Form
Individuals who accept the vision within this Ministry and are eager to join forces can begin the process here online by going to the bottom of this page and open up the link given below. The link will present you with a membership enrollment form that you can fill out and submit to the Ministry. The Ministry is responsible for reviewing and responding to your submission in a timely fashion. We extend our right hand of fellowship to you so that we can achieve the goal of Christian work and progressive action we have been mandated to fulfill by God..
Thank you, and God Bless
Christopher D. Smith Sr., Pastor & Founder
Fountain of Faith Christian Center, Inc.
Fountain of Faith Christian Center, Inc., Divine Connection